Dr Sadanand Dey - Doctorlink in

Dr Sadanand Dey

Dr Sadanand Dey
9 Years of Experience
  • Consultant Department of Neurology
  • Speciality :

  • Degrees :

    MD,DM (Neuro), Fellow Stroke and Cerebrovascular diseases from University of Calgary, Canada
  • Language :

  • Hospital :

    Apollo Multispeciality Hospitals, Kolkata
  • City & Country:

    Kolkata, India
  • Address :

    Sector 18A, Dwarka, New Delhi, India
  • 8801886655200
About Doctor

Work Experience

  • 1. Currently working as Consultant Neurologist and stroke specialist at Apollo Gleneagles Hospitals, Kolkata

    2.Worked as Junior Consultant Neurologist in Apollo Gleneagles  Hospital, Kolkata from September 2013-August 2015.

    3. Completed Stroke fellowship in Calgary Stroke program Foothills Medical Centre-University of Calgary, 1403 29St. NW, Calgary, AB, T2N 2T9, Canada( December 2015 to November 2016)

    4.Worked as a full time Consultant Neurologist  and In-charge,  Acute Stroke services,  in AMRI Mukundupur  Hospital, Kolkata


Awards And Achievements

  • 1.Recipient of ESO 2018 travel grant

    2. Recipient of young Neurologist award in 9thWorld Stroke Congress 2014

    3. Paper presentation & conference attendence :  Attended various Conferences &   scientific programmes of state and   National level.

    4. Presented Paper (platform) in IANCON 2012 Ahmedabad  and in   various other Conferences.

    ·Attended stroke conference KINCON held in KOCHI in 2011

    ·Attended 7th Delhi course for stroke and neurointervention in 2012.

    ·Presented Paper (platform) in ANIECON 2011 in   Cuttack

    ·Observed many diagnostic and therapeutic angiographic procedures

    Attended    preceptor ship programme of acute stroke management

Research And Publications

  • ·Dey S, Senapati AK, Pandit A, NbiswasA, Guin DS, Joardar A, Roy S, Gangopadhyay G, Genetic and Clinical profile of patients of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy:Experience from aTertiary Care Centre in Eastern India,Indian Pediatr.2015 Jun;52(6):481-4

    ·Kumar k, Dey S, Debnath  A. A case of five fingers and a murmur. NZMJ September 2010; 123:53-55

    ·Menon BK, Al-Ajlan FS, Najm M, Puig J, Castellanos M, Dowlatshahi D, Calleja A,Sohn SI, Ahn SH, Poppe A, Mikulik R, Asdaghi N, Field TS, Jin A, Asil T, Boulanger JM, Smith EE, Coutts SB, Barber PA, Bal S, Subramanian S, Mishra S, Trivedi A, Dey S, Eesa M, Sajobi T, Goyal M, Hill MD, Demchuk AM; INTERRSeCT Study Investigators. Association of Clinical, Imaging, and Thrombus Characteristics With Recanalization of Visible Intracranial Occlusion in Patients With Acute Ischemic Stroke. JAMA. 2018 Sep 11;320(10):1017-1026.

    ·Eswaradass PV, Dey S, Singh D, Hill MD,  Pulmonary Embolism in Ischemic StrokeCan J Neurol Sci. 2018 May;45(3):343-345.

    ·Wilson AT, Dey S, Evans JW, Najm M, Qiu W, Menon BK , Minds treating brains: understanding the interpretation of non-contrast CT ASPECTS in acute ischemic stroke.. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2018 Feb;16(2)

    ·Imaging in acute stroke. Eswaradass P, Appireddy R, Evans J, Tham C, Dey S, Najm M, Menon BK. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther. 2016 Aug;14(8):963-75.

    ·SahaM.M,Das A, Rakshit A, De S, SarkarG,KamilyaG,Pregnancy and Gullain Barry Syndrome,A case report, Indian journal of maternal and child Health;Apr-Jun:Vol.15(2)

    ·Johnston SC, Easton JD, Farrant M, Barsan W, Conwit RA, Elm JJ, Kim AS, Lindblad AS, Palesch YY; Clinical Research Collaboration, Neurological Emergencies Treatment Trials Network, and the POINT Investigators.Clopidogrel and Aspirin in Acute Ischemic Stroke and High-Risk TIA. N Engl J Med. 2018 Jul 19;379(3):215-225

    Ravinder-Jeet Singh , Debabrata Chakraborty , Sadanand Dey , Aravind Ganesh , Abdulaziz Sulaiman Al Sultan , Muneer Eesa , John H. Wong , Mayank Goyal , Michael D. Hill , Bijoy K. Menon. Intraluminal Thrombi in the Cervico-Cephalic Arteries Clinical-Imaging Manifestations, Treatment Strategies, and Outcome. Stroke. 2019 Feb;50(2):357-364

Professional Memberships

  • Certificate for training in Neurosonology course (Wake Forest, Winston-Salem, NC 27109,USA)

    Professional Memberships

    ·Indian Academy of Neurologist

    ·Indian Stroke Conference

    Indian society of Neurosonology

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