DR. (COL) R. S. CHATTERJI - Doctorlink in


43+ Years of Experience
  • Sr. Consultant & Unit Head Department of Pulmonology
  • Speciality :

    Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine
  • Degrees :

    MD, DNB
  • Language :

    English, Hindi
  • Hospital :

    Venkateshwar Hospital - Dwarka, New Delhi
  • City & Country:

    , India
  • Address :

    Sector 18A, Dwarka, New Delhi, India
About Doctor

Dr. (Col) R S Chatterji joined our Department of Pulmonology & Sleep Medicine and Department of Internal Medicine as a Senior Consultant. He has 43 years of clinical experience. He is a graduate of AFMC, Pune and further did MD (Medicine), MD (Respiratory Medicine) and DNB (Respiratory Medicine). He has worked and taught in many tertiary care centers in Army including AFMC Pune and RR hospital Delhi. Last 12 years he was with Fortis Escorts and Vasant Kunj. He is a recognized teacher and has guided numerous Internal Medicine and Respiratory Medicine (DNB) candidates and isa DNB examiner. His daily work includes Critical Care, Bronchoscopy, other Pulmonary Procedures, Sleep Studies and looking after all other aspects of Management of Respiratory and Internal Medicine Cases. Papersand  Publications: He has undertaken 2 Research Projects in relationto HIVAIDS, presented many papers in Nationaland International conferences. He has many publications to his credit including4cha pters in reputed medicaltext books.

Past Experience


  • Senior Consultant Respiratory Medicine, DNB Coordinator and teacher, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute and Research Center and Fortis Hospital Vasant Kunj (2009-2021)
  • HOD Respiratory & Internal Medicine, Rockland Hospital, Delhi, (Oct 2005 -June 2009).
  • HOD, Respiratory Centre and Immunodeficiency Center, Army Base Hospital, Delhi (Feb 2000 - Sep 2005).
  • Associate Professor (Medicine), Delhi University,Army Hospital(R & R), Delhi(since Feb 2000).
  • Reader (Medicine), Pune University, Armed Forces MedicalCollege, Pune,(since 1992).

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