DR. RAJU K PARASHER - Doctorlink in


30+ Years of Experience
About Doctor

Dr. Parasher has been working as a clinical physiotherapist for over 30 years. His primary area of interest has been neuro-physiotherapy, but over the years he has developed an interest and expertise in most aspects of physiotherapy practice such as musculoskeletal, sports, gerontology. His experience as a clinical therapist has spanned several countries around the world, including India, Sweden and the US.

In addition to practicing as a clinician, Dr Parasher has concurrently worked in the field of academia. After receiving his doctorate from Teachers College, Columbia University, USA, he has held several academic positions at New York University (NYU), Seton Hall University, and at the Amar Jyoti Institute of Physiotherapy, University of Delhi, where he is the founder Director/Principal. His academic and research interests at the postgraduate level are: motor control, motor learning, research methodology and statistics.

His research interests are eclectic and include a wide range of topics – from issues in motor control and learning, neurological physiotherapy, neuro-musculoskeletal issues that relate to biomechanics and pain, neuroplasticity or the adaptations of the biological system, disability across the life span and more recently education and empowerment of children with disability.

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