Dr. Hazrat Ali - Doctorlink in

Dr. Hazrat Ali

Dr. Hazrat Ali
10 Years of Experience
  • Aphroscopy, Arthroplasty (Joint Replacement) Orthopedics Relief-Joint Arthritis Spinal Lumbar Spine & Trima Specialist Surgeon Department of Orthopaedics
  • Speciality :

  • Degrees :

    MS (Orthopedic Surgery), FCPS (Agro-Surgery) P-II Assistant Professor (Ontology & Sports Injury) Orthopedic Surgery
  • Language :

    English , Bangla
  • Hospital :

    Kasir Uddin Memorial Medical Colleg & Hospital Rangpur - KMMCH
  • City & Country:

    Rangpur, Bangladesh
  • Address :

    Kachir Uddin Memorial Medical College Hospital Dhap Jail Road, Rangpur
  • 01886655200
About Doctor

Dr. Hazrat Ali holds an MBBS and BCS (Trust) degrees, along with an MS in Orthopedic Surgery and FCPS in Agro-Surgery. He is an Assistant Professor specializing in Ontology and Sports Injury within the Department of Orthopedics & Trimatology at Rangpur Medical College. His expertise spans Orthopedics, Spine, and Trauma, and he is recognized as a Specialist Surgeon in these areas. Dr. Ali is a member of AOTS-India and the Indian Astrology Association, and has completed courses such as the A.A. Spine Principles Course in India. He is also a Fellow in Afroopia & Sports Injuries (EDIA) and is registered under BMDC with Reg No-A-02638.

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