Dr. Rajesh Majumdar Chaudhuri - Doctorlink in

Dr. Rajesh Majumdar Chaudhuri

Dr. Rajesh Majumdar Chaudhuri
29 Years of Experience
  • Head Department of Ophthalmology
  • Speciality :

  • Degrees :

    MBBS, DO in Ophthalmology, MRC Ophthalmology (Part 1) & FRCS (Ophthalmology)
  • Language :

    English, Hindi, Bangla
  • Hospital :

    MEDICA Superspecialty Hospital - Mukundapur, Kolkata
  • City & Country:

    Kolkata, India
  • Address :

    127, Eastern Metropolitan Bypass, Nitai Nagar, Mukundapur, Kolkata, West Bengal 700099, India
  • +8801886655200
About Doctor

Dr. Rajesh Majumdar Chowdhury is as amazing a doctor/ surgeon as he is a human being. His calm and patient demeanour immediately puts the patient and the worried family members at ease. He is thoroughly professional in his approach and ready to answer any query pertaining to the problem and it’s treatment.He diagnosed the tumour in the orbit of the right eye of my teenaged daughter ( I had previously taken her to reputed doctors in 2 of premier eye institutions in kolkata who diagnosed her condition as entropion ). He saved my daughter an unnecessary operation of the right eye lower lid and diagnosed the real problem . I was initially very worried but his willingness to clear all doubts with his “evidence based approach” gave me the confidence to go ahead with what was necessary for my daughter. A big big thank you to him and his team including Shilpi di.

Dr Majumdar-Chowdhury keeps himself academically up to date by participating in significant number of ophthalmic and oculoplastic conferences at local, National and International levels as an invited speaker and faculty.

He takes part in workshops in his field of work and regularly spends few weeks in the year observing other senior practitioners of his craft.

He practices Evidence Based Medicine and regularly audits his surgical cases.

He is a keen trekker and has hiked extensively in the hills and mountains of UK, Continental Europe and India.


Dr Majumdar Chowdhury is a competent cataract surgeon but his forte and passion is definitely treating patients with various types of orbital, lacrimal and ocular plastics problems.

He works as a part of a multi-speciality team to manage patients with serious orbitofacial and orbitocranial problems from all over Eastern India, Bangladesh, Nepal and sometimes even beyond.

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