Dr. Haripriya Jagadeesh - Doctorlink in

Dr. Haripriya Jagadeesh

Dr. Haripriya Jagadeesh
25 Years of Experience
  • General physicians Department of Internal Medicine
  • Degrees :

    MBBS, AB (Family Physician)
  • Language :

    English, Hindi, Bangla
  • Hospital :

    Apollo Hospitals, Chennai
  • City & Country:

    Chennai, India
  • Address :

    Apollo Hospital Chennai
About Doctor

Dr. Haripriya Jagadeesh

Dr. Haripriya is one of the best general physicians in the country, currently practising at Apollo Hospitals, Chennai. Her more than two-decade-long experience in helping the community and her friendly demeanour makes her a top choice for patients across the country. Dr. Haripriya offers various services such as diabetes management including Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, stress management counselling, hypertriglyceridemia, peptic/gastric ulcer treatment, lower/upper respiratory Tract Infection treatment, Obesity, Electrocardiography (ECG), bronchial asthma treatment, abdominal pain treatment, Gout treatment as well as anaemia treatment. She is also an expert in vaccination/ immunization, fever, cold and cough, infectious diseases, chickenpox, HTN, dyslipidemia and hypertension among others.

Professional Memberships

  • American College of Chest Physicians
  • Physicians of India
  • Royal Society of Tropical Medicine & Hygiene

Research and Publications

  • Publications, Thesis, studies & paper presentations

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