Dr. Sumidha Bansal - Doctorlink in

Dr. Sumidha Bansal

Dr. Sumidha Bansal
24 Years of Experience
  • Director & HOD Department of Dental
  • Speciality :

  • Degrees :

    BDS, MDS
  • Language :

    English, Hindi
  • Hospital :

    Accord Superspeciality Hospital
  • City & Country:

    Delhi, India
  • Address :

    Budena Village, Sector 86, Faridabad, Haryana 121002, India
About Doctor
  • Treatment of periodontitis (pyorrhoea)
  • Gingival depigmentation
  • Mucogingival surgeries
  • Treatment of all type of gingival enlargements
  • Gingival curettage
  • Flap surgery
  • Treatment of gingival bleeding
  • Fibre splinting of mobile teeth
  • Operculectomy
  • Gummy smile revision
  • Treatment of halitosis/ Bad breath
  • Bone grafting
  • Guided tissue regenerative procedures
  • Frenectomies and frenotomies
  • Gingival aesthetic procedures
  • Hemisetion and bicuspidisation
  • Root resection
  • Perio- endo lesions
  • Treatment of food impaction
  • Oral and periodontal health management in antenatal, prenatal and post natal period
  • Oral and periodontal health management of diabetics
  • Oral and periodontal health management of pubertal, pregnant and menopausal females.
  • Pregnancy tumour(gingival pyogenic granulomas)
  • Gingival aesthetic surgeries
  • Socket preservation/ augmentation
  • Intrabony defect management
  • Supra and subgingival (deep) scaling
  • Teeth polishing
  • Pit and fissure sealants
  • Gingival augmentation surgery
  • Gingival veneers for black triangles
  • Crown lenghthening for aesthetics and restoration
  • Periodontal management of physically and mentally challenged
  • Prophylactic treatment for adult and kids teeth with fluoride varnish
  • Management of traumatic injuries to primary, young permanent and adult teeth
  • Management of peri implant mucosistis and periimplantitis

Dr. Sumidha Bansal completed her graduation in dental surgery (BDS) from the highly prestigious POST GRADUATE INSTITUTE OF DENTAL SCIENCES, ROHTAK in the year 2001. She did her post-graduation (MDS) in periodontics from the same institute in the year 2006. She is an academician, researcher and clinician.


Dr. Sumidha Bansal has a clinical experience of over 22 years. Moreover she has an academic experience of around 15 years in which she has been a part of the training curriculum of undergraduate and post graduate students in SRCDSR, Faridabad. She is a guide and co guide in various research theses. She has authored over two dozen national and international publications in peer reviewed journals of great repute and is a reviewer herself in many journals. She has been felicitated by ISP for her contribution to the ISP oral and periodontal healthcare examination card prepared under maternal health program of national health mission.

She has a keen interest in the branch of periodontal medicine which focuses on the systemic implications of periodontal disease and its treatment. This further led her to work on the link of periodontal disease with diabetes, cardiac diseases and pre term low birth weight deliveries. She has been active in organizing academic activities for the benefit of postgraduates and general dentists.



    1. Rohatgi Sumidha,S.C Narula, Rajnder Sharma, Shikha Tewari Pankaj Bansal. Clinical evaluation of correction of pathologic migration with periodontal therapy. Quintessence Int 2011;42:e22-e30
    2. Sumidha Rohatgi, SC Narula, RK Sharma, S Tewari, P Bansal A study on clinical attachment loss and gingival inflammation as etiologic factors in pathologic tooth migration . Nigerian Journal of Clinical Practice Oct-Dec 2011 2011; 14(4):449-53.
    3. Sangeeta Dhir, Sumidha Bansal, Subhash Wangnoo, Debarshi Jana. Periodontitis and diabetes mellitus – an awareness and perception study among endocrinologists and diabetologists. Int J Diabetes Dev ctries(2021). https://doi.org/10.1007/s13410-021-01014-7.
    4. K joshi, CS Baiju, Sumidha Bansal. Correctional repositioning of pathologically migrated maxillary premolars through periodontal therapy. SADJ july 2021, vol 76 no.6 363-366.
    5. Joshi K, Baiju C.S, Khashu H, Bansal Sumidha, Maheswari IB. Clinical assessment of interdental papilla competency parameters in the esthetic zone. J Esthet Restor Dent. 2017;1–6.
    6. Pankaj bansal, Sumidha rohatgi bansal, Navneet sheokhand. Skillful management of exodontia complication to prevent dreadful sequelae: J Clin Exp Dent 2010;2(4):e1-3
    7. Bansal Sumidha(2016). Proposed modification in definition of ‘pathologic tooth migration’to prevent its ambiguous usage. Sci Tz Dent Res Ther. 2016.1(1): 1-2.
    8. Bansal Sumidha, Bansal P., Baiju CS and Khashu H. Respecting the attached gingiva the periodontist’s way. Int J of Curr Med and Pharma Res Vol. 2, Issue, 8, pp.605-608, August, 2016
    9. Joshi .k, Baiju C.S, khashu H, Bansal Sumidha. Clinical effectiveness of indocyanine green mediated antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as an adjunct to scaling root planing in treatment of chronic periodontitis - A randomized controlled clinical trial. Photodiagnosis and photodynamic therapy . vol 29, march 2020.


      1. Sangeeta Dhir, Rajkumar Lalwani, Jugal Kishore Sharma, Abhay Kolte, SumidhaBansal, Amit Gupta. The Perio-Diabetes Symposium: Consensus Report of the Indian Society of Periodontology and Research Society for the Study of Diabetes in India : A joint event on Periodontitis and Diabetes. Journal of Indian Society of Periodontology - Volume 23, Issue 6, November-December 2019, pg 593-4.
      2. Sumidha Bansal, Sangeeta Dhir, Subhash Wangnoo. Diabetes Mellitus and Periodontits: Relevance of the diabolic duo in India. Apollo medicine.2020 Vol 7, issue 4;267-271.
      3. Sheokand N, Panwar Mohinder, Manab Kosala, Oliver Jacob, Sumidha Bansalet al. Use of antimicrobial photodynamic therapy as an adjunct in the treatment of peri implanttitis: a prosoective study with 24 months follow up. Oral Health and Dental management. vol 20, no 7, july 2021;1-3.
      4. Sheokand N, Panwar Mohinder, Manab Kosala, Oliver Jacob, Sumidha Bansalet al. Comparative evaluation of connective tissue graft and platelet rich fibrin for the management of gingival recession: A split mouth study in 40 cases with long follow up of three years. Oral Health and Dental management.
      5. Sangwan N, Baiju CS, Bansal Sumidha, Gupta G, Joshi K. Effect on procoagulant state after phase 1 periodontal therapy in chronic periodontitis patients: a clinical and hematological study. IOSR - J dent med sci. vol 18, issue 8 ser. 13( august 2019) pp26-32.
      6. Baiju CS, Bansal sumidha. Peripheral odontogenic fibroma : a case report and review . J Indian Soc Perio 2011 Jul-Sep; 15(3): 273–275
      7. Pankaj Bansal, Sumidha Rohatgi bansal, Archana Agnihotri, Ashish Gupta Non-syndromic multiple impacted supernumerary teeth with peripheral giant cell granuloma. Contemp Clin Dent. 2011 Jan-Mar; 2(1): 41–44
      8. Pankaj bansal, Virender singh, S.C Anand, Sumidha bansal. Role of anterior mandibular body ostectomy in mandibular deformities. National J Maxillofacial Surg. 2014;4(1): 57-65.
      9. Archna agnihotri, Sumidha bansal, Urvashi sharma, Antevir kaur. Herbal and chemical mouthwashes in pediatric population: A scoping review. Journal of south Asian association of pediatric dentistry(2021):10.5005/jp-journals-10077-3075.
      10. Sumidha Bansal, Pankaj Bansal, Amit Gupta. Generalized severe short root anomaly: A diagnostic dilemma. Indian J Oral Sci 2015;6(3):88-92.
      11. TV Narayan, Sumidha Bansal, Pankaj Bansal, Sarita Narayan. Dynamics of bone graft healing around dental implants. J Int Clin Dent Res Org. 2015;7:40-7.
      12. Salivary biomarkers: A periodontal overview. Himanshu Khashu, C.S Baiju, Sumidha Bansal, Amit Chilar. J oral health and community dent 2012;6(1)28-33.
      13. Apoorva Gupta, C.S Baiju, Sumidha Bansal, Isha Bhardwaj, Nidhi Mundeja. Alendronate in periodontics : Where are we . Int J Dent Health Sci 2014;1(4) 540-51
      14. Archna Agnihotri, Nikhil Marwah, Pankaj bansal, Sumidha rohatgi bansal. Non-syndromic oligo-hyperdontia; a rare case report. Indian J Dent Edu 2008;2(4):71-3.
      15. Passi Sidhi, Pandit K, Vidhi Mehta, Pankaj Bansal; Sumidha bansal. Papillon lefevre Syndrome: A case report. Indian J Dent Edu 2009;2(1)39-41.
      16. Sumidha rohatgi bansal, Pankaj bansal. A multidisciplinary approach to manage a multirooted tooth with questionable prognosis via tooth resection ; a case report and discussion. Healtalk 2010;2( 4): 9-12
      17. Sumidha rohatgi bansal,S.C Narula, Rajnder sharma, Shikha tewari Pankaj bansal. Spontaneous correction of pathologic migration with periodontal therapy : few case reports. Healtalk 2010; 3(1):31-32


      1. Pankaj bansal, Sumidha bansal. Jaypee brothers. ‘Crack it now’. Clinical mcqs with explanation in dental sciences. 2008
      2. Chapter – 28 trauma from occlusion. By: Sumidha Bansal, Shaili Pradhan.(2017). Edition 1/e. In ‘Textbook of periodontology’ by Shalu Bathla. Jaypee publications.
Short term courses attended:
      1. Course on Photography and presentations for periodontal post graduates at 30th annual conference of ISP at Chennai
      2. Teacher’s training program attended organised at IDST , Modinagar.
      3. Course in Basic implantology

Conference / CDE/ CME attended:

      1. 6th Asian pacific society of periodontotlogy meeting held at Chennai
      2. 30th annual conference of Indian society of periodontology held at Chennai
      3. National CME on ‘Appropriate methodology for research’ held at Pt. B.D.Sharma ,PGIMS, Rohtak
      4. 5th national post graduate workshop of ISP at Coorg
      5. CDE programme on ‘Preventive periodontics’ held at SRCDSR
      6. CDE programme on ‘Occupational stress in dental practice and successful dental practice management’ held at SRCDSR
      7. CDE programme on ‘New vistas in periodontics’ at Subharti dental college
      8. CDE programme on ‘Mentor guided oral rehabilitation with dental implants’ at SRCDSR
      9. CDE programme on ‘Smile designing and esthetics in dental implant’ held at SRCDSR
      10. CDE programme on ‘Enroute to the final diagnosis’ held at SRCDSR
      11. CDE programme ‘Aggregate’ conducted by department of periodontics at SRCDSR
      12. CDE programme on ‘Multispeciality dentistry- the road ahead’ at AIIMS
      13. CDE programme on ‘Implants, lasers and microsurgery’ at ITS centre for dental studies and research at Muradnagar , Ghaziabad
      14. 37th national conference of Indian society of periodontology held at Shimla.
      15. CDE on ‘Cone beam computed tomography and its applications in dentistry’ at SRCDSR
      16. Attended ISP ‘Parichay’ PG orientation program at faculty of dental sciences, SGT university , gurgaon.
      17. Attended ISP Colloquium ‘Perio Pragati’ held at Faculty of dental sciences, SGT university, Gurugram.
      18. CDE on ‘Medicolegal aspects in clinical practice’ held in SRCDSR.
      19. CDE on ‘Perio-Ortho: Integration for Precision’, PGIDS, Rohtak.
      20. CDE on ‘Modern oral health management and professional care’ at SRCDSR.
Presentations/Professional affiliations/ Lectures/ organization skills:
      1. Poster titled ‘Use of bioadhesive surfaces to promote osteogenesis’ at 30th annual conference of ISP in Chennai
      2. Paper titled ‘Effect of periodontal therapy on pathologic tooth migration’ in 5th national post graduate workshop of Indian society of periodontology at Coorg.
      3. Paper titled ‘Scleroderma: periodontal considerations’ in 37th annual conference of ISP in Shimla
      4. Panelist in panel discussion at PERIOBLEND on the topic ‘clinical relevance of advanced diagnostic aids in periodontics’ held at DAV dental college, Yamunanagar, Haryana
      5. Lecture on ‘Understanding the science behind mouthrinses and its multifaceted usage in dental clinics’ for Future Dental Professionals Program organized by colgate and IDA
      6. Speaker of ‘Oral diseases and diabetes- mechanistic links’ in virtual symposium ‘diabetes and oral health’ organized by RSSDI delhi chap.
      7. Organizing committee member of ‘Aggregate’ – PG workshop on classification of periodontal diseases organized by SRCDSR and ISP study group Delhi NCR. Lectured on ‘Applied aspect of staging and grading system – A case study’ in the same.
      8. Organizing committee member in Integrate: perspectives in lasers and Implantology organized by ISP study group Delhi-NCR under the aegis of ISP
      9. Scientific convenor in the perio - diabetes symposium jointly organized by RSSDI delhi chapter (Research society for the study of diabetes in india) and ISP delhi chapter.
      10. Felicitated by ISP as an active committe member in designing ISP oral and periodontal health card and adding vital information on oral and periodontal health in ‘my safe motherhood’ booklet published by govt of india for expectant mothers.
      11. Reviewer in national and international journals
      12. Invited author in national journal JICDRO supplement ‘Dynamics of bone graft healing around dental implants’
    1. India dental association (since 1996)
    2. Indian society of periodontology (since 2004)
    3. ISP study group Delhi NCR (since 2016)
    4. Committee member of Diabetes India Oral Health (DIOH) special interest group(2022)

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