Dr. Dakshayani - Doctorlink in

Dr. Dakshayani

Dr. Dakshayani
27 Years of Experience
  • Director Department of Infertility ( IVF)
  • Degrees :

  • Language :

    English, Hindi, Tamil
  • Hospital :

    ART Fertility Clinics
  • City & Country:

    Chennai, India
  • Address :

    3rd Avenue, Anna Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600040, India
  • +8801886655200
About Doctor

Dr. Dakshayani is a Gynecologist and an Infertility Specialist based in Chennai and has a vast experience of more than 20 years in her field. She completed her graduation from KIMS Bangalore and completed her post-graduation from Trinity in Dublin. She then went to Germany to master in the field of Reproductive Medicine from the International School of Medicine in Kiel.

She started her work career from joining as a consultant at Billroth Hospitals in Chennai, then she crossed all levels and went on to become a Senior fertility consultant at NOVA IVI Fertility Clinics and became a clinical director for the next 2 years. Following this, she joined Apollo Fertility clinics as a Clinical Director from the time of inception of the center in Chennai.

Dr. Dakshayani is a brilliant fertility specialist and follows an evidence-based treatment strategy for all her patients. She believes in providing personalized treatment to all her patients and keeping them under her care.

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