Dr. Erika Patel - Doctorlink in

Dr. Erika Patel

Dr. Erika Patel
10+ Years of Experience
  • Consultant Department of Infertility ( IVF)
  • Degrees :

    MBBS, MS - Obstetrics & Gynaecology, MCh - Reproductive Medicine and Surgery
  • Language :

    English Gujrati Hindi Tami
  • Hospital :

    ART Fertility Clinics
  • City & Country:

    Chennai, India
  • Address :

    Ground Floor, Tower B, Bascon Maeru Towers, 84, Kodambakkam High Rd, Nungambakkam, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600034
  • +8801886655200
About Doctor

Dr. Erika Patel is a Consultant in Obstetrics and gynecology with expertise in the field of fertility. She holds a specialization in Reproductive medicine and surgery and is among the very few doctors in India holding an MCh degree in the said field. With several years of experience in the management of infertility and training in IVF, Dr. Patel works with the goal to make IVF and assisted reproduction highly successful in India. She has helped several couples in conceiving a baby without compromising on the quality and by following strict ethical conduct while maintaining complete transparency during the entire process. Along with being an expert in the management and treatment of female infertility issues, she is also trained in male infertility and Andrology.

Dr. Erika Patel acquired her training and experience in IVF from her observership at some of the prestigious centers for IVF that include Harvard University, Boston IVF, and Michigan IVF. She is also regularly invited as a guest speaker and lecturer in various national and international forums for women. She has presented her research papers in several meetings, conferences, and seminars and also has publications to her credit in renowned journals and newspapers. Her research has been presented at the annual conferences of the American Society for Reproductive Medicine and the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology.

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