Dr. Nirmala T. S - Doctorlink in

Dr. Nirmala T. S

Dr. Nirmala T. S
25 Years of Experience
  • Senior Consultant Department of Infertility ( IVF)
  • Degrees :

    M.B.B.S, D.N.B (OBG)
  • Language :

    English, Kannada, Tamil, Hindi
  • Hospital :

    Baby Science IVF Clinics
  • City & Country:

    Bangalore, India
  • Address :

    428, Koramangala 4-B Block, Koramangala 4th Block, Koramangala, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560034, India
About Doctor

Dr. Nirmala is a Sr. Clinical Director & Sr. Infertility Consultant at Baby Science IVF Clinics, Bangalore. Dr. Nirmala has completed her Diploma in Reproductive Medicine from Kiel University, Germany. She has also completed her M.Sc in Sexual & Reproductive Medicine from South Wales University. She is an Alumnus of Stanley Medical College Chennai. She has more than 25 years of experience in the field of Infertility Management. She has done more than 4500 Diagnostics and Operative Hysteroscopies and Laparoscopies. Also she has 6500+ IVF Cycles under her name with success rate of 45-50% having more than 5000+ babies born through infertility management.

She has delivered many scientific presentations and lectures at National and International Conferences. She is recipient of many awards for her excellence in the medical field. She has been felicitated by the ‘Aryabhata Award’ and Karunada Sri Award & Vaidya Rathna award for her dedication and services in the field of infertility. Under her able expertise, Karnataka’s first Vitrification Procedure was done in 2008. She believes in individualising patient protocols and treatment.


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