Dr. Shrinivas Narayan - Doctorlink in

Dr. Shrinivas Narayan

Dr. Shrinivas Narayan
23 Years of Experience
  • DIRECTOR UROLOGY Department of Urology
  • Degrees :

    MS(Gen.Surgery),M. Ch (Urology), MAUA,FACS(USA)
  • Language :

    English, Hindi, Bangla
  • Hospital :

    Fortis Hospital - Anandapur, Kolkata
  • City & Country:

    Kolkata, India
  • Address :

    Fortis Hospital Anandapur, Kolkata
  • +8801886655200
About Doctor

Dr. Shrinivas Narayan is a renowned Urologist and Renal Transplant surgeon with over 22 years of experience to his credit. He has been working as a Director Urology & Renal transplantation at Fortis Hospitals, Kolkata since April 2011. Being a meritorious scholar, Dr Narayan has completed his MS in General Surgery from the Institute of Medical Sciences, BHU in 2003. Thereafter he finished his M. Ch in Urology, from the Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata. With an experience of enriching lives of more than 500 people through kidney transplantation, he is also an expert in the field of Endourology, Laser Urological Surgery, Laparoscopic Urology and Urological Oncology. Dr Narayan is a highly skilled experienced surgeon in Kolkata and has done several hundred of successful endourological procedures like PCNL, URS, RIRS, flexible ureteroscopy, endopyelotomy, TURP, TURBT, optical urethrotomy etc. and almost all laparoscopic urological procedures including Radical Nephrectomy, Prostatectomy, Partial Nephrectomy, Pyeloplasty and VVF repair. He has developed a special interest in laser prostate surgery and performing HoLEP (Holmium laser Enucleation of Prostate) since 2012 which counts approximately to 500 cases & these include prostate size varying from 40 to 260 grams, recurrent enlargement of prostate after previous TURPs

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