Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences ( TIMS) ,Best Hospital in Siliguri -DoctorLink

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences ( TIMS) ,Best Hospital in Siliguri

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    West Dhantala, More, near Battalion, Kamrangaguri, Fulbari, Siliguri, West Bengal 734015
  • Siliguri , India
Welcome to Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences ( TIMS) ,Best Hospital in Siliguri

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri (TIMS) - Best Hospital in Siliguri for Advanced Medical Care

Choosing Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri confers a multitude of benefits for patients seeking top-notch medical care. One of the key advantages is access to a team of highly skilled and experienced medical professionals who are committed to providing the highest level of care. The institute boasts state-of-the-art medical technology, ensuring that patients receive accurate diagnoses and effective treatments. This commitment to utilizing the latest advancements in medical science guarantees that patients benefit from the most current and efficient healthcare practices.

Additionally, Thalamus Institute offers a comprehensive range of medical services, making it a one-stop destination for all healthcare needs. From routine check-ups to complex surgeries, every aspect of patient care is meticulously managed. Patients appreciate the personalized attention they receive, as well as the compassionate approach of the healthcare team, which significantly enhances the healing process.

Furthermore, the institute’s focus on affordability without compromising quality ensures that exceptional medical care is accessible to all. With comfortable and well-equipped facilities, Thalamus Institute provides an environment conducive to recovery and well-being, making it the preferred choice for many seeking medical care in Siliguri.

Unique Selling Points Highlighted


Experience Cutting-Edge Neurosurgery at Thalamus Institute, Siliguri 

Thalamus Institute - Advanced Medical Technology at Low Cost

Thalamus Institute - Committed Specialists for Your Health Care Needs

Thalamus Institute - Premier Healthcare with State-of-the-Art Facilities

Thalamus Institute - Your Trusted Hospital in Siliguri

Exceptional Patient Care and Safety

At Thalamus Institute, patient care and safety are of paramount importance. The hospital boasts a team of highly trained professionals committed to providing compassionate and personalized care. Their patient-centric approach ensures that each individual receives the attention and medical guidance they need, making the healing journey as comfortable as possible.


Advanced Medical Technology

Thalamus Institute prides itself on its use of state-of-the-art medical technology. From advanced imaging systems to cutting-edge surgical equipment, the hospital is equipped with the latest tools to diagnose and treat a wide range of medical conditions. This commitment to technological excellence ensures that patients receive the best possible outcomes.

Multidisciplinary Team of Experts

The hospital brings together a diverse team of specialists across various fields of medicine. This multidisciplinary approach allows for comprehensive treatment plans that address the unique needs of each patient. Whether it's neurosurgery, cardiology, or oncology, patients can trust that they are in the hands of experts.


Top Doctor - Exprience  & Degrees 

 Area of Interest

 Neuro Surgery

Dr. Malay Chakraborty

 40 Years Experience

  • Skull Base Tumours

  • Surgeries for Vascular Lesions

  • Cervical Disc Surgery

  • Lumbar Disc Surgeries

  • Syringomyelia

  • Paediatric Neurosurgery

  • Stroke Surgery


Dr. Rohit Karmakar

 10+ Years Experience

  • Joint Replacement Surgery (Hip, Knee)
  • Arthroscopic Surgery
  • Trauma and Fracture Management
  • Sports Injuries Treatment
  • Pediatric Orthopedic

Cardio Surgery

Dr. Swapan Kumar Saha
Dr. Swapan Kumar Saha

 21 Years Experience

  • Cardiologist Siliguri,
  • Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences,
  • Angiography,
  • Angioplasty
  • Pacemaker Implementation,
  • Dr Swapan Kumar Saha,
  • TIMS,



Dr. Barun Kumar Sing

 8+ Years Experience


  • Pulmonologist Siliguri
  • Respiratory Health
  • Dr. Sayar Mridha
  • Comprehensive Care
  • Respiratory Conditions
  • Respiratory Treatments


Dr. Samarth Agarwal
Dr. Samarth Agarwal

 6+ Years Experience

  • Urologist Siliguri,

  • Dr. SamarthAgarwal,

  • Urology,

  • , Affordable Urology Care Siliguri


Dr. Vishal Golay

Dr. Vishal Golay

 14 Years Experience

  • Chronic Kidney Disease Management: Diagnosis, 
  • Renal Replacement T
  • Hypertension and Electrolyte Disorders: 
  • Dr. Vishal Golay -related conditions at



Dr. A.B. Bose
 22 Years of Experience

 Senior Consultant Department of ENT

Dr. Bose offers a comprehensive range of services to address various ENT issues, making him a preferred choice for those seeking an ENT nearby. Some of the key services include:

General Medicine
Dr. Dipanjan Bandyopadhyay
Dr. Dipanjan Bandyopadhyay

 20+ Years Experience

 Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences ( TIMS) ,Best Hospital in Siliguri

Treatment Of Acne/Pimples

Weight Loss Treatment

Treatment of Headaches

Treatment of Fever

Treatment of Hair Fall

Treatment of Red Eyes

Treatment of Pain

Treatment of Masturbation Addictio

Treatment of Hair Loss

Treatment & Management of Cold






Affordable Healthcare

Understanding the financial strain that medical expenses can impose, Thalamus Institute offers high-quality healthcare services at competitive rates. Their transparent pricing model and various health packages ensure that patients from all walks of life can access the care they need without undue financial burden.

Community Involvement and Support

Thalamus Institute is more than just a healthcare provider; it is an integral part of the Siliguri community. The hospital actively participates in community outreach programs, health camps, and educational seminars to raise awareness about preventive healthcare. Their commitment to community health underscores their dedication to improving overall public well-being.

Choosing Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri means opting for a hospital that combines superior medical expertise with unparalleled patient care standards.

Wellness Programs and Rehabilitation Services

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri also offers comprehensive wellness programs and rehabilitation services designed to support patients’ long-term health and recovery. These programs include physical therapy, occupational therapy, and nutritional counseling, tailored to meet the individual needs of each patient. The hospital’s rehabilitation team works closely with healthcare providers to create customized plans that help patients regain their strength, mobility, and independence following surgeries or medical treatments.

Convenient and Accessible Location

Conveniently located in the heart of Siliguri, Thalamus Institute is easily accessible to patients from across the region. The hospital's strategic location ensures that patients can quickly and conveniently reach the facility, reducing the travel-related stress often associated with medical visits. Adequate on-site parking and accessible public transport options further enhance the convenience for all patients and visitors.

Emphasis on Patient Education

At Thalamus Institute, educating patients about their health conditions and treatment options is a cornerstone of their care philosophy. The hospital provides extensive resources, including informational brochures, online materials, and one-on-one consultations, to ensure that patients are well-informed about their health. This emphasis on patient education empowers individuals to make informed decisions about their healthcare and promotes better health outcomes.

Personalized Health Check-Up Packages

To address the diverse health needs of the community, Thalamus Institute offers a range of personalized health check-up packages. These comprehensive packages are designed to provide a thorough evaluation of an individual's health status and identify potential health risks early. From basic routine check-ups to specialized screenings, the institute’s health check-up packages cater to all age groups and medical conditions, providing peace of mind and preventive care.

Specialty Clinics and Services

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri houses a variety of specialty clinics dedicated to addressing specific medical conditions and health concerns. These specialty clinics include:

  1. Cardiology Clinic: Focused on heart health, the cardiology clinic offers comprehensive diagnostic and treatment services for various cardiovascular conditions. The team of experienced cardiologists employs advanced techniques and technology to provide personalized care for heart patients.
  2. Oncology Clinic: The oncology clinic provides cutting-edge cancer care, from early detection and diagnosis to advanced treatments and personalized care plans. Multidisciplinary teams of oncologists, surgeons, and radiologists work collaboratively to create the most effective treatment strategies.
  3. Orthopaedics and Joint Replacement Clinic: Specializing in the diagnosis, treatment, and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal disorders, this clinic offers everything from sports injury management to complex joint replacement surgeries. Utilizing the latest in surgical techniques and rehabilitation protocols, patients are able to achieve optimal outcomes in their recovery journey.
  4. Neurology and Neurosurgery Clinic: This clinic focuses on the diagnosis and treatment of neurological disorders, offering services such as epilepsy management, stroke care, and intricate neurosurgical procedures. Patients benefit from a team of neurologists and neurosurgeons who use state-of-the-art technology for brain and spine conditions.
  5. Women's Health Clinic: Dedicated to the overall health and well-being of women, this clinic provides a wide range of services from routine gynecological exams to specialized treatments for conditions such as endometriosis and ovarian cancer. The clinic is committed to offering compassionate and comprehensive care at every stage of a woman's life.
  6. Paediatrics Clinic: Focused on the health of infants, children, and adolescents, this clinic offers preventive health care, immunizations, and treatment for acute and chronic illnesses. The paediatric team is dedicated to ensuring the healthy growth and development of children in a nurturing environment.

Research and Education

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences places a strong emphasis on research and education to continuously advance the field of medicine. The institute actively supports clinical research projects that seek to discover innovative treatments and improve patient care protocols. Additionally, it offers various educational programs, including residency training, continuing medical education (CME) courses, and workshops for healthcare professionals. These initiatives ensure that the medical staff remains updated with the latest advancements and best practices in healthcare.

Patient Testimonials

The success and reputation of Thalamus Institute is reflected in the heartfelt testimonials from patients who have experienced transformative care. These testimonials highlight the institute's commitment to excellence in patient care, the dedication of its medical professionals, and the positive outcomes of treatments received at the facility. Patients frequently express gratitude for the compassionate and individualized approach that defines Thalamus Institute’s philosophy of care.

By choosing Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri, patients can be confident that they are entrusting their health to a premier medical institution renowned for its quality care, advanced technology, and unwavering commitment to patient well-being.

Community Outreach Programs

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is not only dedicated to providing exceptional care within its facilities but also to improving overall community health through various outreach programs. These initiatives aim to raise awareness about prevalent health issues, promote preventive healthcare, and offer essential medical services to underserved populations. Regular health camps, vaccination drives, and educational seminars are part of the institute’s efforts to extend its reach beyond the hospital walls and make a positive impact on community health. 

Advanced Medical Imaging and Diagnostic Services

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is equipped with state-of-the-art medical imaging and diagnostic facilities to support accurate and timely diagnosis of various health conditions. The institute offers a wide range of advanced imaging services, including MRI, CT scan, ultrasound, and X-ray, all operated by highly skilled radiologists and technicians. These cutting-edge diagnostic tools enable precise detection of abnormalities, guiding effective treatment plans and improving patient outcomes.

Telemedicine Services

In response to the growing demand for accessible healthcare, Thalamus Institute has launched comprehensive telemedicine services. These services bridge the gap between patients and healthcare providers, allowing for remote consultations, follow-up appointments, and access to specialist advice without the need for physical visits. Utilizing secure and user-friendly digital platforms, the telemedicine services ensure that patients receive timely medical attention and continuity of care, particularly beneficial for those in remote areas or with mobility constraints.


Collaborations and Partnerships


Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri believes in the power of collaboration to advance medical knowledge and improve patient care. The institute has established partnerships with leading healthcare institutions, universities, and research organizations globally. These collaborations facilitate the exchange of knowledge, foster innovation, and enable joint research initiatives that drive advancements in medical science.

Comprehensive Cardiology Services

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is renowned for its comprehensive cardiology services, designed to address the full spectrum of heart-related conditions. The institute boasts a team of experienced cardiologists, cardiac surgeons, and specialized nursing staff dedicated to providing exceptional care in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

The cardiology department is equipped with advanced technology and facilities, including state-of-the-art catheterization labs, non-invasive diagnostic equipment such as echocardiograms and stress tests, and specialized cardiac intensive care units. The institute offers a wide range of procedures, from routine cardiac check-ups and management of hypertension and cholesterol to complex interventions like angioplasty, stenting, and coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG).


Pediatric Care and Neonatology

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is dedicated to providing exceptional pediatric care and neonatology services, ensuring that the youngest members of the community receive the highest quality of medical attention. The institute’s pediatric department is staffed with experienced pediatricians, neonatologists, and specialized nursing staff who are adept at addressing a wide range of health issues in infants, children, and adolescents.

The neonatology unit is equipped with advanced technology designed to care for premature and critically ill newborns. With modern neonatal intensive care units (NICUs) and continuous monitoring systems, the institute provides round-the-clock care for newborns with complex medical conditions. The pediatric department offers comprehensive services including routine health check-ups, immunizations, management of chronic illnesses, and acute medical care.

Parents can expect a child-friendly environment that prioritizes the comfort and well-being of young patients. The institute also places significant emphasis on family education, guiding parents on child health, nutrition, and developmental milestones. Through a combination of advanced medical care and compassionate support, Thalamus Institute ensures that children receive holistic and attentive care from birth through adolescence.

Orthopedic and Rehabilitation Services

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri offers advanced orthopedic and rehabilitation services aimed at restoring mobility and enhancing the quality of life for patients with musculoskeletal disorders. The orthopedic department is comprised of skilled surgeons, physiotherapists, and rehabilitation specialists who provide comprehensive care for a broad spectrum of conditions, from fractures and sports injuries to joint replacement surgeries and chronic pain management.

The institute’s state-of-the-art orthopedic facilities include modern operating theaters, advanced imaging equipment for accurate diagnosis, and well-equipped physiotherapy and rehabilitation centers. Personalized treatment plans are developed for each patient, focusing on both surgical and non-surgical approaches to ensure optimal recovery outcomes.


Advanced Neurology and Neurosurgery Services


Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is at the forefront of providing specialized neurology and neurosurgery services. The institute’s neurology department is staffed with highly qualified neurologists and neurosurgeons who are equipped to diagnose and treat a wide range of neurological disorders. From common conditions like migraines and epilepsy to more complex issues such as stroke, multiple sclerosis, and neurodegenerative diseases, the team is dedicated to offering comprehensive care.

The neurosurgery unit features cutting-edge technology, including neuroimaging tools like MRI and CT scans, as well as minimally invasive surgical equipment. These advanced tools enable precise diagnosis and effective treatment of brain and spinal cord conditions. The institute is adept at performing a variety of neurosurgical procedures, such as tumor resections, spinal surgeries, and interventions for traumatic brain injuries.

Comprehensive Oncology Services ( Cooming Soon )

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri is committed to offering world-class oncology services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer. The oncology department is staffed by a multidisciplinary team of medical oncologists, surgical oncologists, radiation oncologists, and oncology nurses who work collaboratively to provide individualized care for each patient.

The institute employs advanced diagnostic tools, including PET-CT, MRI, and molecular diagnostics to accurately identify various types of cancer at an early stage. Treatment options available include chemotherapy, radiation therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted therapies, all administered in accordance with the latest clinical guidelines and protocols.

Women’s Health and Obstetrics & Gynecology ( Comming Soon)

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri offers specialized care in women’s health, with a strong focus on obstetrics and gynecology. The department is equipped to handle a wide range of women’s health issues, from routine gynecological examinations and prenatal care to complex surgeries and high-risk pregnancies.

The obstetrics and gynecology team comprises experienced obstetricians, gynecologists, and midwives who provide compassionate care throughout the different stages of a woman’s life. The institute offers comprehensive services including fertility treatments, antenatal and postnatal care, management of menstrual disorders, and menopause care.

Pediatric and Neonatal Care

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri provides dedicated pediatric and neonatal care services, ensuring the health and well-being of the youngest members of the community. The pediatric department is staffed by experienced pediatricians and neonatologists who specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of childhood illnesses and conditions.

The institute's facilities include a fully equipped NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) capable of providing advanced care for premature and critically ill newborns. In addition, the pediatric ward is designed to be child-friendly and comforting, offering a supportive environment for both children and their families.


Cardiology and Cardiothoracic Surgery

Thalamus Institute of Medical Sciences Siliguri boasts a renowned cardiology and cardiothoracic surgery department, offering a wide range of services for the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of heart diseases. The cardiology team is comprised of skilled cardiologists and cardiothoracic surgeons who are committed to delivering high-quality, patient-centered care.

The department is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities, including advanced diagnostic tools like echocardiography, stress tests, angiography, and electrophysiology studies. These tools enable precise and early detection of various cardiac conditions, facilitating timely and effective treatment.

Treatment offerings include interventional cardiology procedures such as angioplasty and stent placement, as well as complex cardiothoracic surgeries like coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG), valve replacements, and congenital heart defect repairs. The institute is also adept at managing heart failure and arrhythmias, providing both medical and surgical solutions.




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